Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Ye olde blogger. Posted by Picasa

That's Dom Confusing

So, the opening reception was tonight. It started off in the Dom Courtyard and was eventually moved into the Dom Church. While in the courtyard, I read that the architect, as a joke, put the stone ropes up in one of the lattices to make it look like they were needed to hold it up (see pic below).

Tonight I ate at this cool greek place and the food was good and cheap (relatively). Mental Note: I will have to try mousaka again. We then walked around town (see canals pic below) and then we went to a "coffeeshop."

Tomorrow is the Teamcore breakfast at 7:00, so I have to get up early. Yes I am giving you an excuse for myself to stop wrting :)

I leave you with this statue of a blogger from the days of the old.

Canals (props to Janusz for reminding telling me about his delay picture method) Posted by Picasa

Dom courtyard window lattice. Look closely for the rope. Posted by Picasa