Saturday, December 01, 2007

Crystal Palace - Home of the Eagles

I am staying in an area of London called Crystal Palace. I learned two things today:

1. Playing too much Nintendo DS can give you a headache.
2. Crystal Palace has a respectable football club.

Now you go look at some photos while I go play more DS ;)

Crystal Palace Radio Tower strikes again.

Some call this the antler of an ice age creature Megaloceros. I call it modern art.

And I will leave with you the majestic Dinosaur Tidal Lake.
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Monkey Puzzle Tree

Very puzzling to monkeys I hear: Monkey Puzzle
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Dinosaurs! - as seen in 1852

Back in 1852, a dinosaur exhibit was created, because by that time they knew everything about dinosaurs... or did they?

This is Megalosaurus, but back then they thought he would walk on all fours.

This is Plesiosaurus, but back then they thought he would would walk on water.
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