Monday, December 18, 2006

And.... We're Back

Howdy, I have been travelling again but a lot has changed around here since May, so let me get you up to date.

First of all, I have updated my blog design and look. Colors are happier and hopefully easier to read. The blog archive looks different. Also I have the page only display the last 5 posts now. Let me know if you have any feedback on it to make it better.

Second, and most important, I have gotten a new camera. It was hard to put aside my old one, but I really wanted something smaller, lighter and longer lasting battery life. I am proud to say that I purchased a Casio Exilim EX-Z1000. I am happy with it so far and let's see how it goes.

I have been travelling for about 5 days now, however I didn't bring my laptop and I was even questioning whether I wanted to blog at all this time since my trip is so fast (12 days and 4 countries). However Alessandro and Vittorio were nice enough to be busy and let me have a computer here to take over.

Now, without further ado, I attempt to catch you up on my travels.

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