Monday, July 25, 2005

Mark, asked me what I was drinking: White Beer. It's pretty good. I think it's a type of ale that is smoother. Posted by Picasa

Dinner, party of 15. Look closely at Ranjit's head... Posted by Picasa

Utrecht Central....daytime...from my room again ;) Posted by Picasa

What am I doing here?

Mark asked if I was presenting a paper. So I will catch you guys up on what I have to do at a typical conference.

Monday-7:45am-5:15pm Work my volunteer duty to earn my scholarship funds that I received. This will be supervising and technical support of Tutorials 1 (morning) and 2 (afternoon). Tutorials give a brief introduction to a particular concept. I killed two birds with one stone because I was already signed up for the first tutorial on Education-Based Multiagent Systems. This relates to my work on training firefighters.

Tuesday-9am-5:15pm Attend Safety and Security Workshop. Workshops are where people can meet in smaller, focused groups and present work in progress that is not as developed as a full conference paper. My research colleague, Janusz, will present a paper during this workshop that I am a co-author on. I am also Technical Chair for this Workshop and as such will be hosting and presenting on a simulation contest (that's what I was debugging yesterday). It is more of a friendly this year and will just serve as a lead up to something more sophisticated next year.

Thursday- I present a paper on my research. It is a poster paper, so I will set up a poster and stand by it and people will come up and ask me questions about my work.

Thursday- 14:00-15:30 and 16:00-17:00 I give a demonstration of the system that I have developed (with lots of help) in order to perform experiments for my research.

Sorry to bore you with the details ;) Had to get them out of the way.

The second tutorial was on P2P systems. Made me nostalgic for the glory days of Terazima!! I can't believe that site is still up.

Proof that I just don't take pics of electrical equipment inside. I also take shots through the window from inside too :) Universiteit Utrecht Posted by Picasa

Further insight into the dutch psyche. They refer to projectors as "beamers." Posted by Picasa