Visited Prague. Saw Gothic architecture. Ate a hot dog. Got stuck in major traffic on the way back. That about sums it up.
I am starting to remember now why I like staying in places for a few days at least. I mean, don't get me wrong. I really appreciate that Jen took me to Prague today and showed me around. It's just I felt like I didn't really get to experience the city. I just took some pictures and left. It's my fault really. I just guess I need at least one day to get my pictures out of the way, then I can really start to enjoy the city. Maybe talk to some of the folks, experience the culture.
But basically Prague (if you are interested in they way they spell it, Praha) was one of the few cities that wasn't devastated by WWII and consequently has some very old architecture still intact. Much of it is in the form of old churches and city gates with excessive use of gothic architecture. There is a castle on the hill across the river and from it you can see all of the downtown area. I am sure it would be beautiful at night, but alas we had to return back home and get stuck in major traffic. Jen and I ended up finding an alternate route and made it back safely. Safe enough to cook some breakfast burritos for dinner and play the Worst Case Scenario board game before they went to bed.
Night. I leave you with gothic...