Whew is all I can say. Today was a long day. Unfortunately I don't have much of a photographic record of it, so I will have to do it some justice in text form. This whole getting up at 6am thing is really starting to get me worn down. I stay up until 1 or 2 am so this can't go on forever. But somehow I got up again and thankfully so, because it gave me some time to get to the conference, go over some slides and give a nice talk. I was hoping for more people to have questions after the talk, but only 1 guy, and he was actually asking a fake question (question just for the sake of asking).
Thankfully, after that section, many people came by and wanted to talk more about my research one on one. They were just nervous I guess. There was one older guy that I saw was pretty interested during the talk and come to find out, he is someone who my research is very much inspired by and I got to talk with him at the banquet tonight. The banquet was just chaotic. You had to wait in line and the food ran out again. I think that japanese portions are generally smaller than US and that creates some problems.
Well, the point of all this is: I am done! I finished all of my talks. I have volunteer work duty tomorrow morning and then I might even be able to sleep in. We found a sports store and purchased a soccer ball. It has been raining today, but hopefully clears for some nice games tomorrow.
Heiwa! (peace in japanese)