Sunday, May 07, 2006

I love japanese architecture! (unlabeled building)...(okay so it was labeled, but not in english) Posted by Picasa

Moment of zen. Posted by Picasa

The holy church of I had to many landscape photos and I wanted to put a portait style one in. Posted by Picasa

Pradeep, Janusz, Praveen and Jon scoping out the scene. Posted by Picasa

The gift store privied us to my new favorite cartoon character: Genghishan (Genghis Khan) He apparently likes to run through fire, chant, drink beer, and eat with his chopsticks all at the same time. In the store they had lots of his merchandise and were playing his annoyingly catchy theme song. Posted by Picasa

Our side of the harbor, as seen from Mt. Hakodate. Posted by Picasa

PT: "It causes the breakdown, and push the stamp lightly" As seen above Mt. Hakodate souvenir stamps. Posted by Picasa

Hakodate ropeway. Lazy way to make it the rest of the way to the top. We took it :) Posted by Picasa

Sign of the times... Posted by Picasa

Even the walking signal men wear hats! Very formal country. Posted by Picasa

You go Hakodate! Capping off man holes with style. Posted by Picasa

ATM machines are very rare and very unuseable. If you ever want to use an ATM in Japan, go to the Post Office, where the machines are decent and they speak english to you! Posted by Picasa

Tomorrow it all starts!

I just finished my presentations for tomorrow and I am going to do a quick post here. What happened today besides work, you might ask? Well thanks for asking. We did a hike to Mt. Hakodate and looked out across this great city. Other than that, I met up with Steve Okamoto by chance and Alessandro and Vittorio by purpose. I capped it all off with an authentic japanese restaurant. And although I do not have any photographic proof of its authenticity, I can tell you this: we had to take off our shoes and sit on the floor ;) Mass pictures on the way!

Tomorrow the conference starts.