Saturday, July 23, 2005


Well the flight was a bit long, but they showed 2 good movies (Robots and Hitch) so I stayed awake for both of them and then slept for 2 hrs. I have made it to Amsterdam (as you can see below) and then I took the train to Utrecht which is where the conference will be. I am showing you the pic below partially for the airport, but primarily to show you the cloudy rainy weather that will probably be the norm here. And when I was sweating in LA and trying to pack my suitcase, I decided not to bring a jacket ;) Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Nice! Are you meeting any co-workers in Utrecht or are you on your own?

Are you presenting a paper?

Anonymous said...

wear a blanket! :) You should try to visit our old house at the fringe. (And sing "This used to be my playground (used to be)")